martes, 11 de junio de 2024

actividades de recuperación del ciclo 300



Taller de Nivelación grado Sexto 6:02


Institución Educativa Aquileo Parra JN


La presente actividad, debe escribirse y desarrollarse de forma ordenada en el cuaderno de inglés 



1.       What time is it?




2.       How is the weather like?






















  d. _______________________






3.       Complete the sentences with the according season. spring, summer, autumn and winter.


a.   The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

b.  In spring lots of animals have _______________.

c.   Summer begins in _______________ in the north. 

d.  Leaves fall from the _______________ in autumn. 

e.   In some places there is _______________ in winter.

f.    _______________ usually sleep in winter.

g.  When it is _______________ in the north, it is winter in the south.

h.  The North Pole and the South Pole have just two _______________.



4.What’s your favorite season? Why?

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________




5.    Do an audio explaining your daily routine, At the begin of the video do your presentation. 

for example 



Good morning 


             My name is Maria; I am going to talk about my daily routines 


             I get up at seven o’clock 

             I take a shower at seven thirty-five 

             I have my breakfast at eight five         



6.    What is she wearing? Describe her clothes 



7.What is he wearing? Describe his clothes



8.   Unscramble and write the number.


U S Y T E A D:  Tuesday                A F R Y I D: _____________             U A N Y D S______________


A Y W D E D E N S: __________  N A D Y O M:____________           T S A R U Y A D______________


R H U D A T S Y_____________  S E Y U T D A____________



9.      Complete with the things that you do. 









I study








I have lunch


I study the lesson 




I go to the pool

I do my homeworks 









10.  Answer the following questions


A. What time do you get up? _______________________________________


b.  What time do you have breakfast_________________________________?


c.   What time do you take a shower? _________________________________


d.  What time do you do the home works______________________________?


e.   What time do you have dinner____________________________________?



  Este es un nuevo año que se inicia lleno de retos y responsabilidades   que implican el crecimiento personal y el compartir en el     aula...